Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)

Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is a measure of the suitability of water for use in agricultural irrigation, as determined by the concentrations of solids dissolved in the water. It is also a measure of the sodicity of soil, as determined from analysis of water extracted from the soil. The sodium adsorption ration (SAR) indicates the effect of relative cation concentration on sodium accumulation in the soil. SAR is a more reliable method for determining this effect than sodium percentage. SAR is calculated using the following formula:
SAR = Na/[(Ca + Mg)/2]1/2
Ions are expressed as milliequivalents per liter (meq/L). The potential for a sodium hazard increases in waters with higher SAR values. Although SAR is only one factor in determining the suitability of water for irrigation, in general, the higher the sodium adsorption ratio, the less suitable the water is for irrigation. Irrigation using water with high sodium adsorption ratio may require soil amendments to prevent long-term damage to the soil.
If irrigation water with a high SAR is applied to a soil for years, the sodium in the water can displace the calcium and magnesium in the soil. This will cause a decrease in the ability of the soil to form stable aggregates and a loss of soil structure and tilth. This will also lead to a decrease in infiltration and permeability of the soil to water leading to problems with crop production.
Example of Irrigation Water Classification :
If the sample of water from the 20 wells was recorded on the Table 1. Recording data presented the value of EC, Cation of Na, Mg and Ca. Then we can calculate the value of SAR using it’s formula. After we get the value of EC (ᶣmhos/cm) and SAR, so we can make classification of irrigation water quality using US Salinity Laboratory Classification by drawing the lines at the diagram (Figure 1). The meaning of the irrigation water classification symbol is defined below :
Salinity Hazard:
        Low-salinity water (C1) can be used for irrigation on most crops in most soils with little likelihood that soil salinity will develop.
        Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs.
        High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage.
        Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances.
Sodium Hazard:
        Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium.
        Medium-sodium water (S2) may cause an alkalinity problem in fine-textured soils under lowleaching conditions. It can be used on coarsetextured soils with good permeability.
        High-sodium water (S3) may produce an alkalinity problem. This water requires special soil management such as good drainage, heavy leaching, and possibly the use of chemical amendments such as gypsum.
        Very high sodium water (S4) is usually unsatisfactory for irrigation purposes.
Table 1. Classification of Irrigation Water Quality using US Salinity Laboratory

No. of Cation SAR EC Classification of
Well Na Ca Mg Na/√[(Ca + Mg)/2] mmhos/cm mhos/cm Irrigation Water
1      2.94      1.90      4.20                              1.68                 0.72           720  C2   S1 
2      4.06      2.40      4.50                              2.19                 1.04        1,040  C3   S1 
3      3.08      3.40      3.30                              1.68                 0.64           640  C2   S1 
4      7.71      1.30      3.40                              5.03                 0.48           480  C2   S1 
5      7.70      1.50      3.40                              4.92                 0.40           400  C2   S1 
6      7.41      2.10      4.90                              3.96                 0.72           720  C2   S1 
7      5.68      1.50      4.10                              3.39                 0.44           440  C2   S1 
8      6.65      1.20      5.00                              3.78                 0.48           480  C2   S1 
9      6.91    11.90      8.40                              2.17                 0.68           680  C2   S1 
10    14.08      0.90      5.00                              8.20                 0.84           840  C3   S1 
11      5.04      2.70    33.30                              1.19                 1.04        1,040  C3   S1 
12    32.34    15.80    35.20                              6.40                 3.96        3,960  C4   S1 
13    14.56      6.30    39.70                              3.04                 2.48        2,480  C4   S1 
14      5.04      1.30    37.70                              1.14                 0.96           960  C3   S1 
15    15.82      6.60    47.40                              3.04                 2.64        2,640  C4   S1 
16      6.44      2.60    41.40                              1.37                 1.00        1,000  C3   S1 
17    15.68      6.40    40.60                              3.23                 2.28        2,280  C4   S1 
18    43.54    24.30    44.70                              7.41                 4.60        4,600  C4   S1 
19    25.22      5.40    53.60                              4.64                 2.40        2,400  C4   S1 
20    19.90      5.90    52.10                              3.70                 3.12        3,120  C4   S1 

Figure 1. Diagram for Classification of Irrigation Water According to The United States Salinity Laboratory

Table 2. Characteristics of Irrigation Water from Each Well
No. of
Characteristics of Irrigation Water
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium

Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium
Very high-salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but it may be used occasionally under very special circumstances and Low-sodium water (S1) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils with little danger of developing harmful levels of sodium